TS-304UHF RFID User Manual
UHF RFID User Manual
Click on Tag Inventory (Real Time Mode). Select the checkbox for the port with a
connected antenna. Set the number of Repeat per command. This number is the times of
repeat inventory command. For example, per inventory command will execute
anti-collision algorithm one time when you set the value to 1. It will execute anti-collision
algorithm two times when you set the value to 2, and so on.
Next, click on
, we can find that the EPC number is uploaded immediately and
real time update. If you do not click on
, the reader will keep inventorying. As shown
Meaning of the data as shown below:
Total of inventory Tags
Total number of inventory tags since click on
Inventory Tag
Identification Speed
Speed of identification Tag, unit: piece / sec
Cumulative return data
Total return EPC data of tags (Including repeated reading of data)
Command execution
Time of each Inventory Command takes, unit: ms
Total running time
Total elapsed time since click on
Inventory Tag
, unit: ms.
Meaning of the data in Tag list as shown below:
The serial number of data.
EPC number of tag.
Protocol Control word of tag.
Identification Times
Times of tag identified.
The signal strength when tag was identified at the last time.
Carrier Frequency
Carrier Frequency of tag which is identified at the last time.
Next we will inventory tag under Buffer Mode.