Make sure you read and understand all instructions of the owner manual. A digital version of the
owner manual is available at
Wrong assembly and/or misuse of this electric scooter may cause damage to the scooter, including
fire, serious injuries and even death.
The electric scooter is not a toy and should always be used in a responsible and safe way exclusively
by users that are at least 16 years old. You are solely responsible for it uses and the consequences
thereof. Specifically, you should make sure that your overall health condition allows you to use an
electric scooter and you should consult a doctor if needed, particularly in case of use of medication.
Before using the electric scooter, ensure that you are familiar with its use and request assistance
if required. You should be competent in all driving conditions. The electric scooter is not made to
be used in the evening or at night. Ensure that your are visible at all times and always use your
scooter on paved and leveled surfaces. Avoid traveling on surfaces that are frozen, snowy, slippery
or steep, gravelly or muddy or in areas where the wheels could get stuck, jammed or slip. Do not
use when it is raining, snowing or too windy.
Do not exceed the 120 kg weight capacity of your electric scooter. Your electric scooter is made to
carry only one person at a time. Do not allow any passengers, adult or child, to travel with you. Do
not use your electric scooter to pull or carry any loads. When riding your electric scooter, do not
lean or over reach to avoid tipping over.
A helmet may save your life and help avoid serious injuries. Always wear an approved helmet when
using your electric scooter. Do not exceed the maximum legal speed and ensure that you have all
legally required security accessories (reflectors, flags, etc.). Failing to follow these recommendations
could endanger you, lead to prosecution and cause injuries or death.
Your current insurance policy may not provide you with coverage for your new electric scooter and
its usage. You should contact your insurance provider to confirm your coverage.
Verify with local authorities the rules and regulations that apply to the use of this type of
locomotion. If required, contact your authorized reseller to obtain additional information at :
or using the toll-free number : 1-800-665-8685.