6-) Password / lock:
Allows you to lock the processor using a password (the default
password is 1234) or change the password to a personalized one, with 4 digits.
NOTE: When locking the processor, a padlock icon will appear in the upper right
corner of the screen. A password will be required to access the se ngs.
To reset the processor to factory se ngs without accessing the menu (e.g. due to
lost/forgo en password), just turn on the processor while keeping the keys of ways 1
and 2 and the center of the encoder pressed simultaneously.
This will erase the contents of user se ngs memories and reset the product to ini al
8-) Text message:
Defines a text of up to 15 alphanumeric characters to be displayed
as screen saver anima on. Enable the func on by selec ng ON and with a quick touch
on the center of the encoder, and go to text edi ng (blinking cursor). Rotate the
encoder to select the desired le er, click the center of the encoder to move to the next
character. To erase, turn the encoder un l “<” + quick touch on the center of the
encoder. To finish edi ng and save the text, place the cursor a er the last cha
long press in the center of the encoder. A er about 3 seconds of no ac vity on the
main screen, the text will be displayed as an anima on on the screen.
7-) Presets EQ:
The Pro 2.4S has 12 preset equalizers. Select the music style and press
the encoder center to apply the equaliza on curve:
5-) Load config:
Load a previously saved configura on or the factory default
se ng. Rotate the encoder to select the desired memory, click on the center of the
encoder to select and then confirm. Important: when you select the FACTORY
SETTINGS op on, the previously saved se ngs will be lost.
Memory posi on
Previously saved name
Enables (ON) / Disables (OFF)
the text message display
Custom Name