T-238+ Assembly Manual
Rev. 3 March 2006
Page 4 of 11
Install the following diodes:
[ ] D1 1N5817 Schottky
[ ] D2 1N4148
[ ] D3 1N4148
[ ] Solder and clip the leads (6 leads total)
Now check your work. All leads should be soldered. There
should be no solder bridges or cold solder connections.
[ ] OK so far.
This completes the diode installation. You should hav e no
remaining diodes.
[ ] One LED remaining.
IC Sockets
: If any socket pins are bent, carefully straighten
them with a pair of long-nose pliers before assembly.
Some types of IC sockets hav e crimps in the pins to hold
them in place when automatic wav e soldering is
performed. These sockets may be tricky to install if you
are not familiar with them. If your kit contains these
sockets, you may want to straighten the pins before
attempting to insert them into the PC board.
When installing IC sockets double check to ensure that the
socket is seated properly against the board with the notch
matching the silk-screen. Pin 1 (nearest the socket notch)
has a square solder pad. Be sure that all IC socket pins
are showing on the solder side of the board. Next, tack-
solder two diagonally opposite corners first (such as pins 1
and 8 on a 14-pin socket).
Then solder the remaining pins of that socket before
proceeding to the next one. If you find a socket is difficult
to install, remov e it and double-check for a bent pin.
Take care to av oid solder bridges!
Install the following IC sockets. Align the notch in the
socket to the notch in the silkscreen outline:
[ ] U1 16-pin
[ ] U2 40-pin
Now check your work. All leads should be soldered. There
should be no solder bridges (a blob of solder that shorts
two adjacent soldered connections) or cold (gray and/or
grainy looking) solder connections.
[ ] OK so far.
This completes the IC socket installation.
Ceramic Capacitors
All capacitors should be mounted as nearly flush to the
board surface as practical without stressing the leads.
Install the following capacitors:
[ ] C1 0.1 uF (104)
[ ] C4 0.1 uF (104)
[ ] C5 0.1 uF (104)
[ ] C9 0.1 uF (104)
[ ] C12 0.1 uF (104)
[ ] Solder and clip the leads (10 leads total)
Electrolytic and Tantalum capacitors
Electrolytic and Tantalum capacitors are polarized. The
positiv e lead goes in the hole on the board marked with a
"+". Be careful! Typically the negativ e lead is marked but
sometimes the positiv e lead is marked.
The orientation of the positiv e “+” leads are not all
the same.
[ ] C3 1 uF (105 or 1+35)
[ ] C6 1 uF (105 or 1+35) (text obscured, next to C7)
[ ] C7 1 uF (105 or 1+35)
[ ] C8 1 uF (105 or 1+35)
[ ] C13 1 uF (105 or 1+35)
[ ] Solder and clip the leads (10 leads total)
[ ] C2 10 uF (106 or 10uF)
[ ] C14 10 uF (106 or 10uF)
[ ] Solder and clip the leads (4 leads total)
Now check your work. All leads should be soldered. There
should be no solder bridges or cold solder connections.
[ ] OK so far.
This completes the capacitor installation. You should hav e
no remaining capacitors.
[ ] No capacitors remaining.