IOM manual - Sanitary series
When the pump is new or reassembled
If the pump is new or reassembled after maintenance it is important to retighten the
pump housing nuts (pos. 37) after approximately one week of operation.
Make sure to
use the right torque
Performance test
When installation is new, a test run of the pump should be conducted. Gauge the capacity
at specific air pressure/flow. This information is useful for checking performance in the
future as wear takes place. You will be able to set schedules for maintenance of the pump
and to select spare parts to be kept on stock.
Routine inspection
Frequent observation of the pump operation is recommended to detect problems. Leaking
air or liquid from the pump and changes of performance, as well as abnormal noises, can
be indication of worn parts or pump malfunction (see chapter x.x ""Location of faults"").
We recommend to conduct a daily check and keep records of the following:
Any leakage from the pump
Tightness of all pump fasteners
Complete inspection in regular intervals has been done
In case any of the above is not fulfilled, do not start the pump and implement corrective
actions. Establish a preventive maintenance schedule based on the pump’s service history.
Scheduled maintenance is especially important to prevent spills or leakage due to
diaphragm failure.
Complete inspection
The intervals for a complete inspection depend upon the operation conditions of the pump.
The characteristics of the liquid, temperature, materials used in the pump and running time
decide how often a complete inspection is necessary.
Nevertheless, Tapflo recommend to inspect the pump at least once a year and change parts
from KIT AIR and KIT LIQ during this inspection. See chapter x.x “Stocking recommendation”
for detailed KIT content.