Release 7/2009 Ver. 1.0
Technical Manual: GS-120 Light Curtain Systems
Phone: 631-630-0442
100 Schmitt Boulevard
Fax: 631-630-0454
Farmingdale, New York 11735 GS-120 Cascaded System
Additional flexibility to facilitate guarding in more than
one plane is provided, by the capability to connect slave
units to a basic or multi-beam master system.
The slave units can be basic or multi-beam systems,
with any of the defined detection characteristics of
30mm or 70mm.
The dimensions relating to the curtains, for each slave
unit are as defined in the previous sections for each
model. The upper and lower boundaries of each curtain
are indicated by arrows on the front window labels of
each unit.
A maximum of two sets of slave units can be connected
to a master system as shown in
Figure 14.
emitter-receiver pair has a type designation where:
Type GS-120/M is a master
Type GS-120/A is a slave
Type GS-120/D is a slave with a connector at each end
Master and slave units can be assembled up to a
maximum of 240 beams. Where:
30mm detection - 12 beams per 200mm curtain
70mm detection - 4 beams per 200mm curtain
GS-120/M/1000/30 = 60 beams
GS-120/A/0400/70 = 8 beams
So, total = 68 beams
1. When master/slave emitter-receiver sets have
different range capabilities, these must be
respected when systems are configured.
2. When master/slave emitter-receiver sets have
different detection capabilities, the separation
distance must be calculated and adhered to for
each set separately.
Figure 14