Using the Water Bucket
When the water bucket is full, the dehumidifier
will automatically shut OFF and the Full indica-
tor will illuminate.
Grip both sides of the water bucket, gently
pull it out.
Auto Start Indicator
When the Auto Start feature is activated, the
ON indicator will be illuminated.
Auto Stop Indicator
When the Auto Stop feature is activated, the
OFF indicator will be illuminated.
When both Auto Start and Auto Stop feature
are activated, the ON and OFF indicators will
be illuminated.
Other Features
Auto Shut Off
When the humidity setting is reached, the
dehumidifier will shut off automatically after
about 3 minutes (the fan motor will continue
running for about 3 minutes).
When the water bucket is full and/or not se-
cured properly in place, the dehumidifier will
shut off automatically (the fan motor will con-
tinue running for a few seconds).
Auto Restart
If the dehumidifier shuts off unexpectedly due
to power outage, the dehumidifier will restart
with the previous function setting automatical-
ly when the power resumes.
Draining the Collected Water
(Three ways to drain the collected water)
Grip the handle inside the water bucket and
pour the water out.
Place the empty water bucket back. Keep
the bucket in the correct position and se-
curely seated for the dehumidifier to operate.