How Does a Body Composition Monitor Work?
Who Can Use a Body Composition Monitor?
Body Composition Guide
This Body Composition Monitor is intended for adults aged 18-99 years. Children aged 7-17 years can use the platform for weight
and body fat percentage readings and BMI only; the other features are not applicable to children.
Thanks to major investment in the latest BIA Technology and sports science research, TANITA has upgraded the Athlete Mode
function to make measurements more accurate and suitable for a wider range of users.
Who should use Athlete Mode?
Adults aged 18 years and over who either:
Train or exercise for 12 hours or more a week and have been doing so for at least six months.
Are body builders.
Are professional athletes who want to monitor their progress at home.
Have a lifetime history of fitness and who used to do more than 12 hours a week but do less now.
Pregnant women should only use the weight function.
Other functions are not intended for use when pregnant.
This Body Composition Monitor is intended for home use only. It is not intended for professional use in places such as hospitals or
medical or fitness facilities. It is not designed for such heavy usage. Using the platform in this type of professional environment will
invalidate the warranty.
This Body Composition Monitor product provides readings for informational purposes only.
This product is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or abnormalities. Please consult your physician if you have any
questions or concerns related to your health.
TANITA Body Composition Monitors calculate your body composition using Dual Frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA).
Safe, low-level electrical signals are passed through the body via the TANITA foot pads on the platform. The signal can flow easily
through fluids in muscles and other body tissue but meets resistance as it passes through body fat, because body fat only contains a
small amount of fluid. This resistance is called impedance. The impedance readings are then entered into medically researched
mathematical formulas to calculate your body composition.
The TANITA RD-953PRO incorporates medical grade Dual Frequency BIA technology,al-
lowing you to have the highest body composition accuracy in the comfort of your home.
Research has shown that using two different bioelectrical impedance frequencies,
provides essential data of a person's intracellular and extracelluar status. This advanced
technology allows greater accuracy when calculating body composition measurements.
When Is the Best Time To Use My Body Composition Monitor?
Your body water levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day and night. Any significant changes in body water may affect your body
composition readings. For example, the body tends to be dehydrated after a long night sleep so if you take a reading first thing in the
morning your weight will be lower and your body fat percentage higher. Eating large meals, drinking alcohol, menstruation, illness,
exercising, and bathing may also cause variations in your hydration levels.
To get the most reliable reading it is important to use your Body Composition Monitor at a consistent time of day under consistent
conditions. A good time to take measurements is before your evening meal.
High Frequency Current
High Frequency Current
Cell Membrane
Cell Membrane
Low Frequency Current
Low Frequency Current