Disconnect the PT15-10s from the Mains Supply.
The PT15-10s requires very little maintenance. However, as with all high voltage
equipment, it is essential that the unit and its accessories be kept clean.
On a regular basis it is advisable to check the voltage regulator carbon brush
condition. This is achieved by removing the unit from the case refer to figure 3 for the
procedure for removing the unit from the case. Access is now gained to all the unit's
major components.
Rotate the regulator until the carbon brush can be seen. Ensure no excessive wear
has taken place and that there is adequate brush pressure. If badly worn replace
immediately with a new brush.
When checking the brush condition as detailed above also check for signs of erosion
on the regulator track. Wipe clean with an alcohol moistened cloth. If the track is
badly eroded it should be cleaned with very fine sandpaper ensuring a flat surface is
restored. Remove particles with a fine brush and finally cleanse with an alcohol
moistened cloth or brush.
Ensure the high voltage lead is carefully stored and that the exposed ends are
kept clean. Always ensure that the protective plastic cover is fitted over the connector.
Always en
sure that the output socket’ protective bung is fitted when the equipment
is not in use.
The earthing cable and the earth cable on the discharge/earthing probe are both
made from a very flexible copper conductor which is then covered in a transparent
silicon rubber sleeve. This enables the operator to physically check the condition
of the cable and connecting tags.