D14489.01—JULY 2009
Quick Set C20/C20plus
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xConfiguration Network [1..1] Assignment:
Defines whether to use DHCP or Static IP assignment.
Static: The IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway for the system must be specified in the
respective address fields.
DHCP: The system adresses are automatically assigend by the DHCP server.
Changes to this setting requires a restart of the codec.
xConfiguration Network 1 Assignment: DHCP
xConfiguration Network [1..1] DNS Domain Name:
<S: 0, 64>
DNS Domain Name is the default domain name suffix which is added to unqualified names.
Example: If the DNS Domain Name is “company.com” and the name to lookup is “MyVideoSystem”, this will
result in the DNS lookup “MyVideoSystem.company.com”.
Format: String with a maximum of 64 characters.
xConfiguration Network 1 DNS Domain Name: “company.com”
xConfiguration Network [1..1] DNS Server [1..5] Address:
<S: 0, 64>
Defines the network addresses for DNS servers. Up to 5 addresses may be specified. If the network
addresses are unknown, please contact your administrator or Internet Service Provider.
Format: String with a maximum of 64 characters.
xConfiguration Network 1 DNS Server [1..5] Address: “”
xConfiguration Network [1..1] IEEE8021X AnonymousIdentity:
<S: 0, 64>
The 802.1X Anonymous ID string is to be used as unencrypted identity with EAP types that support
different tunneled identity, like EAP-PEAP and EAP-TTLS. If set, the anonymous ID will be used for the initial
(unencrypted) EAP Identity Request.
Format: String with a maximum of 64 characters.
xConfiguration Network 1 IEEE8021X AnonymousIdentity: “”
xConfiguration Network [1..1] IEEE8021X Eap Md5:
Message-Digest algorith 5. Is a Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol that relies on a shared secret.
MD5 is a Weak security. EAP - Extensible Authentication Protocol. MD5 - Message Digest Algorithm 5.
On: The EAP-MD5 protocol is enabled. Default mode is On.
Off: The EAP-MD5 protocol is disabled.
xConfiguration Network 1 IEEE8021X Eap Md5: On
xConfiguration Network [1..1] IEEE8021X Eap Peap:
Protected Transport Layer Security. Developed by Microsoft, Cisco and RSA Security. Authenticates LAN
clients without the need for client certificates. EAP - Extensible Authentication Protocol. PEAP - Protected
Extensible Authentication Protocol.
On: The EAP-PEAP protocol is enabled. Default mode is On.
Off: The EAP-PEAP protocol is disabled.
xConfiguration Network 1 IEEE8021X Eap Peap: On
xConfiguration Network [1..1] IEEE8021X Eap Ttls:
Tunneled Transport Layer Security. Developed by Funk Software and Certicom. Usually supported by
Agere Systems, Proxim and Avaya. Authenticates LAN clients without the need for client certificates. EAP -
Extensible Authentication Protocol. TTLS - Tunneled Transport Layer Security.
On: The EAP-TTLS protocol is enabled. Default mode is On.
Off: The EAP-TTLS protocol is disabled.
xConfiguration Network 1 IEEE8021X Eap Ttls: On
xConfiguration Network [1..1] IEEE8021X Identity:
<S: 0, 64>
The 802.1X Identity is the user name needed for 802.1X authentication.
Format: String with a maximum of 64 characters.
xConfiguration Network 1 IEEE8021X Identity: “”
xConfiguration Network [1..1] IEEE8021X Mode:
The system may be connected to an IEEE 802.1X LAN network with a port-based network access control
that is used to provide authenticated network access for Ethernet networks.
On: The 802.1X authentication is enabled.
Off: The 802.1X authentication is disabled. Default mode is Off.
xConfiguration Network 1 IEEE8021X Mode: Off
xConfiguration Network [1..1] IEEE8021X Password:
<S: 0, 32>
The 802.1X Password is the password needed for 802.1X authentication.
Format: String with a maximum of 32 characters.
xConfiguration Network 1 IEEE8021X Password: “***”
xConfiguration Network [1..1] IPv4 Address:
<S: 0, 64>
Defines the Static IP address for the system. Only applicable if Static IP assignment is chosen.
Format: Compact string with a maximum of 64 characters.
xConfiguration Network 1 IPv4 Address: “”
xConfiguration Network [1..1] IPv4 Gateway:
<S: 0, 64>
Defines the IP default gateway. Only applicable if Static IP assignment is chosen.
Format: Compact string with a maximum of 64 characters.
xConfiguration Network 1 IPv4 Gateway: “”