Operating Instructions – Digital Control Panel
The CapeBreeZ can be customized for different conditions or user preferences. The standard settings are:
Fan Speed – 7 for 350 square foot room Display Light Setting - Bright
Filter Change – 50 (500 hours) Temperature Scale – Fahrenheit
Power (ON/OFF)
Plug the unit into a 120 volt outlet. Press the on/off button to turn the unit on and off.
Set up and customization (SETUP) Press SETUP to toggle through options:
1 Display/Override the hours remaining on the filter (press +/- to reset)
2 Displays the outdoor temperature
3 Displays the indoor humidity dew point temperature
4 Displays the outdoor humidity dew point temperature
5 Maximum auto fan speed (press + or – to raise or lower) 1 low to 10 high
Based on room size or user preference. Suggesting settings:
5 =300 9 =400 sq
6 Display light level (dimmable)
1– Dim 2 – Medium 3 – Bright
7 Filter change reminder (press + or – to raise or lower) 10-100
Adjust the hour of run time between filter changes. The hours are the
display # times ten. A display of 50 represents a setting of 500 hours.
For an area with a high level of outdoor pollution decrease the hours
between changes. For areas with a low level of outdoor pollution
increase the hours.
8 Select temperature scale (press + or – to toggle between
F and
On the display in the above illustration
“Outdoor Temp” is illuminated indicating
the temperature outside is hotter
than the temperature inside.
Set desired indoor temperature (+/-)
Use the +/- to raise or lower the desired indoor temperature set point. The display will show the set point temperature
when it is being changed and then show the room temperature. A lower set point will increase the use of outside air and
can precool the home delaying or eliminating the need for air conditioning. The +/- button is also used to adjust other
settings in SETUP.
Set humidity on/off (HUM)
The CapeBreeZ has a humidity control feature that increases energy efficiency and comfort when the unit is being used
with air conditioning. When the control is on, the unit continuously monitors indoor and outdoor humidity and will not
bring in outside air that is more humid than the indoor air. When the control is on, the display light on the control panel
will illuminate. When air conditioning is not used, the control can be turned off and the display light will turn off. Please
note that the CapeBreeZ measures dew point not relative humidity. Press HUM to toggle on/off.
Set the fan mode (FAN)
Press the FAN button to toggle through the fan modes.
0 Auto Mode 1-3 Manual Speed Modes (the fan will run continuously at the setting selected) 4 Turbo Speed
Auto Mode – The room temperature will display in this mode. Auto mode control will determine when cooling is needed
and available based on the set point and will adjust the fan for maximum energy efficiency. It will gradually increase the
speed as the outdoor temperature drops and then decrease it as it nears the set point.