Lite Series Storage Installation
2) 1) Open the top case by using screw driver.
1) Normal termination of the system and fully unplugged power code
are required before conducting HDD installation.
2) Touch a grounded metal substance or ground yourself before
installing HDD in order to reduce static electricity. Static electricity may
cause a malfunction of the product.
3) After installing HDD, Do not connect to power supply with the top
case opened. The top case must be covered before usage.
2) Unscrew and separate the HDD bay from body.
3) Screw the additional HDD bay to current HDD bay
4) Connect HDD to HDD connector on the main board directly without cable.
Reassemble the top case by reversing 1) to finalizing HDD installation.
Power ON.
Check the Power, HD1-16 Model (90 ~ 250V, 50/60Hz) and connect the power.
Once Power cable is connected (found in Rear Side), booting will be enabled. .
After booting is finished, the live screen and channel indication / clock are shown.
Menu window pops up by clicking the right button of the mouse or pressing [MENU] button in the f
ront panel as shown below.
[Figure 4-11. Menu Window]
ID and Password are required for initial installation. Default ID and Password are shown below.
[ admin : 00000 ] [ User1 : 1111111 ] [ User2 : 2222222 ]
[ User3 : 3333333 ] [ User4 : 4444444 ].... [ User10 : aaaaaaa ] [ User11 : bbbbbbb ]....
Password is available to change at