TW5340 User Manual
©2014 -2015 Tallysman Wireless, Inc.
Document Amendment Record
Revision Date
Rev 1_0
7 Nov 2014
Initial release
Rev 1_1
11 Nov 2014
Minor edits
Rev 1_2
10 Dec 2014
Edit of wake up pin
Rev 1_3
4 Mar 2015
TW5340 Rev 3 Standby Mode support
Rev 1.4
6 May 2015
Correction to configurator and clarification regarding
10 Hz operation
2014 2015 Tallysman Wireless Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Tallysman Wireless Inc.
106 Schneider Road, Unit 3
Ottawa ON K2K 1Y2 Canada
Tel: 613 591 3131
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