OY1211 LoRaWAN CO2 meter, User manual, Version 1.1
Product Description
The OY1211 LoRaWAN CO2 meter is designed to measure carbon dioxide, temperature and
humidity in indoor environments. The sensor is intended for indoor climate control, air
quality monitoring and energy optimizations. It is optimized for reliable and secure
measurements with more than 5-10 years life length on batteries dependent on radio
The standard measurement interval is every minute and standard reporting interval is every 25
measurements (resulting in a measurement report transmitted every 25 minutes). The fast
measurement interval makes it possible to insert additional transmissions when large changes
in the CO2 level are detected, resulting in low reporting latency. By default, CO2 level
changes larger than +/-100ppm from the last transmitted measurement report causes an
additional measurement report over the LoRa uplink channel. If the absolute CO2 level is
below a certain threshold, by default 750ppm, these additional reporting events are however
omitted. All these parameters can be adjusted using LoRa downlink commands if needed.
(elaborate and make more available for non-tech)
What value does this provide, climate control, active ventilation etc.
Advanced settings
The device has advanced settings that such as configuration of automatic background
calibration (ABC) functionality, target calibration, and sub-sample settings. The settings are
impacting the power and accuracy performance of the device. Contact
for detailed information.