Series Phone
Configuration and Operation Manual
Copyright 2012 Talk-A-Phone Co.
• 7530 North Natchez Avenue • Niles, Illinois 60714 • Phone 773.539.1100 • [email protected] • www.talkaphone.com.
All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Talk-A-Phone, Scream Alert, WEBS and WEBS Contact are registered trademarks of Talk-A-Phone Co. All rights reserved.
Led3DurationType = 1
Led3Duration = 10
Led3SwitchOff = *97*
++ Field name : GuardAccessCode
++ Description : Admin can set the guard access code using this field.
++ Valid values : Maximum length 8 digits(0-9).
++ GuardAccessCode = *4** (Default Guard access code)
++ It will accept the values in the following format.
++ *4*<xxxxxxxx>* , x can be 0-9 or blank
++ Note : None
GuardAccessCode = *4**
++ Field name : AuthVolAdjust , AuthSpkrMicCtrl, AuthVoiceMessage ,
++ AuthAuxOPOperation , AuthLED3Operation
++ Description : Admin can configure the authetication for different
++ operations.
++ a. Volume Adjustment During Call
++ b. Speaker and Microphone Control During Call
++ c. Voice Messages
++ d. Aux o/p Activation Deactivation
++ e. Help on the way LED activation and deactivation
++ Valid values : 0 - To disable Authentication
++ 1 - To enable Authentication
++ Note : None
AuthVolAdjust = 0
AuthSpkrMicCtrl = 1
AuthVoiceMessage = 1
AuthAuxOPOperation = 1
AuthLED3Operation = 0
++ Field name : NetworkMode
++ Description : It configures the Phone IP address Type.
++ Valid values : NetworkMode = 1 - DHCP
++ NetworkMode = 3 - STATIC (Default Value)
++ Note : If NetworkMode = 3, must configure following
++ Field name : IPAddress
++ Field name : Netmask
++ Field name : DNSServerIP
++ Description : IPAddress - Phone IP Address - mandatory
++ Netmask - The Subnet Mask Address - mandatory
++ Gateway - The Default Gateway address - mandatory
++ DNSServerIP - The DNS Server IP Address - optional
++ Example:
++ NetworkMode = 3
++ IPAddress = (Default)
++ Netmask = (Default)