Installation and Operation Manual
Phone/IP Starter Configuration
The following are steps that Talk-A-Phone Co. recommends that you take in order to create a functional
VoIP system.
1. Open the VOIP-1-2-4-8 configuration program: Start | Programs | VOIP-x-x-x | Configuration.
2. Configuring the IP address. Go to Configuration | IP. Enter the IP parameters for your VoIP
site. Leave “Enable DHCP” unchecked unless your network setup requires DHCP.
NOTE: If a phone’s IP is established via DHCP, it can only make outgoing calls, not ingoing call,
unless it is set up to register with an H.323 gatekeeper, SIP proxy, or SPP master VOIP. Also,
your VoIP until must also specify a Gateway address in order for it to work properly even if a
Gateway will never be used.
If you will be using the VOIP-1-2-4-8 unit on an existing network, please consult your
network administrator for IP addresses, subnet mask, and gateway information. If you will
be creating a dedicated network, you may use proper private addressing (e.g. IP address, subnet mask, and a gateway
3. If you would like to configure and operate the VOIP-1-2-4-8 unit using the web browser GUI,
continue on to step (4). The Web GUI has the same functionality as the local Windows GUI, but
offers remote access. If you would like to continue with the Windows GUI, skip to step (5).
4. Enable Web browser GUI (Optional). To do configuration and operation procedures using the
web browser GUI, you must first enable it. Once you’ve begun using the web browser GUI, you
can go back to the Windows GUI at any time. However, you must log out of the web browser GUI
before using the Windows GUI. To do so, follow these steps:
a. Close the Windows GUI.
b. Make sure Java Runtime Environment 1.4.2_01 or greater is installed.
c. Launch a compatible web browser (Internet Explorer 6.0 or above; or Netscape 6.0 or
d. IMPORTANT NOTE: The PC being used must be connected to and have an IP address
on the same
e. IP network of the VOIP unit.
Browse to IP address of the VOIP unit being configured.
g. If a username and password have been established, enter them when prompted.
h. Use web browser GUI to configure VOIP unit.
5. Go to Configuration | Voice/Fax. Select Coder | “Manual.” Choose “G.711 u-law @ 64kbps” as
the Selected Coder from the pulldown menu. Talkaphone recommends G.711 u-law for
maximum line quality. It is especially recommended that this coder be selected when Talk-A-Lert
will be used with VoIP.
Under DTMF, select “Inband” from the DTMF pulldown menu.
IMPORTANT NOTE: After each configuration change, make sure to hit OKAY at each screen. Once you have
completed configuring all options, make sure to also “Save Settings and Reboot”. If you do not click save and
reboot, all changes will be lost.