No.05-836 1608
In Japan
Takex America Inc.
4/15 Howleys Road, Notting Hill,
VIC, 3168
Tel : +61(03) 9544-2477
Fax : +61(03) 9543-2342
Takenaka Engineering Co., Ltd.
83-1, Gojo-sotokan, Higashino,
Yamashina-ku, Kyoto 607-8156, Japan
Tel : 81-75-501-6651
Fax : 81-75-593-3816
http : // www. takex-eng. co. jp /
Takex America Inc.
151, San Zeno Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94086, U.S.A.
Tel : 408-747-0100
Fax : 408-734-1100
http : // www. takex. com
Takex Europe Ltd.
Aviary Court, Wade Road,
Basingstoke, Hampshire. RG24 8PE, U.K.
Tel : (+44) 01256-475555
Fax : (+44) 01256-466268
http : // www. takex. com
In the U.S.
In the U.K.
In Australia