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7. Serial Communication
The asynchronous serial communication interface (UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) and the serial
communication connecting terminal (SerTFG and SerTC) for Camera Link connector are equipped in this camera as standard.
The internal parameter can be controlled through Camera Link cable and capture board from the external computer like
conventional products with RS-232C interface (FC1500F etc.) using serial communication command, if customer’s capture
board is equipped with serial communication connector (SerTFG and SerTC) and its driving software. Command’s argument
and it’s timing is the same as the conventional RS-232C interface product.
(Note) When the operation modes of the camera are changed by the communication functions, it takes some time to switch the
modes. Carefully note that normal image may not be obtained from the signal for each one frame before and after
transmitting a command.
The setting of the serial communication is as follows:
Baud rate
: 9600bps
: 8bit/character
Stop bit
: 1stop bit
: none
XON/XOFF : no control
Serial communication commands
The command packet starts with STX(02h), followed by command code(s) and command option parameter(s) and ends with
ETX(03h). All those are of 8 bit ASCII codes.
When the camera receives 1 packet (by detecting ETX:03h) and judges it is a normal packet, it returns a transaction
completion signal (ACK: 06h) or others corresponding to the commands received. When the camera judges it is an abnormal
packet, it returns the abnormal signal (NAK: 15h).
Description of commands
(1) Command “e”
Function: Initialization of page memory
Transmission from host: STX: “e”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
* CPU initializes each of the page memories.(to factory default values) When it is needed to initialize with each page,
read out the H page by command “L” and write it in the intended page by the command “W”. The setting of RS-232C
baud rate is not initialized.
(2) Command “R”
Function: Command for reporting camera operation and setting status
The contents of the report can be selected by adding the following option code after the command code “R”.
A: Analog report
G: Gain report
V: Camera version report
T: Shutter SW report
S: Shutter mode report
1) Analog report
Transmission from host: STX: “R”: “A”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: “R”: SETUP setting value: WC setting value: “1”: ETX
2) Gain report
Transmission from host: STX: “R”: “G”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: “R”: MGC setting value: AGC setting value: (VRT setting value):
(VRB setting value): OFFSET setting value: “M”:”.”:ETX
(!) FC1500F does not use the values in parentheses. This camera returns the fixed values instead.
3) Camera version report
Transmission from host: STX: “R”: “V”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: “R”:
“Takenaka SYS.FC1500FCL V1.00”: ETX
* The underlined values show the control program version number of the camera and a file name. These values and
the number of characters vary by program version. Use when confirming the communication mode of the camera
and obtaining internal information of the camera.
3) Shutter SW report
Transmission from host: STX: “R”: “T”: “H”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: “R”: “H”:
SW0: SW1: SW2: SW3: SW4: SW5: SW6: SW7: SW8: SW9: ETX