Unplug thisapparatusduring lightning stormsor
when unused forlong periodsoftime.
All maintenance orrepairworkmustbe performed
byqualified personnel.Repairis required when
the unithasbeen damaged: damaged powercord
orplug,liquid spill ordrop on object,exposure
torain ormildew,bad operation orfall ofthe device.
WARNING:To reducethe riskoffire orelectric
shock,do notexpose thisapparatusto rain or
The SL115 TNTreceivershould onlybe used
with the XHJ-050150Eadapter
The appliance mustnotbe exposedto dripping
waterorsplashing water.
No objectsfilled with liquidssuch asvases
should be placed on the apparatus.
Do notplace on the device sourcesofnaked
flames,suchaslighted candles.
Thisequipmentisnotintended foruse on asoft
stand (such asbedding,blankets,etc.)
The device isintended to be used in atemperate