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Now that the telescope has been attached
to the mount, it is necessary to balance
the load in the R.A. and the Dec. When
unbalanced, the clamps and the gearing of
the motor drive do not work properly.
Balancing the Dec.
1. Unclamp the R.A. and lock it when the
Dec. axis becomes horizontal. If the R.A.
is greatly out of balance and does not
rotate smoothly, first do a rough balance
of the R.A.
2. Be careful that the package does not
move abruptly. Hold onto the telescope,
and loosen the Dec. clamp to adjust
3. If it does not, loosen the tube holder and
move the tube assembly forward and
backward until it balances. Then, lock
the tube holder. Especially when imaging
package is attached, set the tube
assembly at proper position.
Balancing in the R.A.
1. When the Dec. axis is balanced, lock it
firmly with the Dec. clamp.
2. Loosen the R.A. clamp and check
balance of the R.A.
3. If unbalanced, move the counter-
weight(s) until the R.A. is balanced and
lock it.
4. If still unbalanced with the weight fully
extended, add extra weight.
Retractable Dew Shield
The dew shield of the FOA-60 is retractable.
To transport, it can be retracted and when
observing, it can be extended to stop stray
light coming into the tube. To extend the
dew shield, follow the instructions below:
1. Remove the dew shield cap.
2. Loosen the lock screw.
3. Draw out the dew shield.
4. Tighten the lock screw.
When you retract the dew shield, be sure to
remove the dew shield cap first. Otherwise,
the cap may be forced off.
Dew Shield
Lock Screw
Dew Shield Cap