66 Scanning
About scanning
The scan feature is used to monitor groups of
channels or talkgroups for activity of interest. This
means that you are able to operate across multiple
channels or talkgroups at the same time. For
example, you may need to monitor your own
conventional dispatch channel as well as other local
area channels, such as a local sheriff and highway
patrol channel.
Members of a scan group may be conventional
channels (P25 or analog), trunked talkgroups, and
vote groups, depending of the type of scan group.
When scanning is active, the radio searches through
member channels for activity. If activity is found, the
radio remains on that channel or talkgroup, so that
you can hear the activity, and respond if necessary.
Once the activity has finished, the radio begins
searching again.
Some channels or talkgroups, known as ‘priority’
channels or talkgroups, are scanned more often that
others in the scan group. Calls from priority channels
or talkgroups take precedence over those from non-
priority group members.
While the radio is scanning for activity, the orange
LED glows and the animated
icon appears on
the display.
When the radio stops on a channel or talkgroup where
there is activity, the orange LED and the
icon flash.
In a background or talkgroup scan group, a scanning
icon with a tick (
) indicates that the selected
channel or talkgroup is a member of the scan group.
Talkgroup 2
Zone 1
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