General Safety and Compliance Information
Transportable Base Station/Repeater User’s Guide
© Copyright Tait International Limited
December 2020
Device and Network Security
If this radio network equipment is used for mission-critical applications, it
is important to be able to ensure security and continuity of operation. For
IP-network-connected equipment, it is also important to ensure that this
equipment is not a means of compromising other equipment in the network.
All network elements should be physically secured, where possible. This
includes the use of locked cabinets and locked rooms. Seals on connectors
can also provide a visual indication of unauthorized tampering.
Tait recommends that all network and audio connectors should be sealed
with the stick-on type of seal. The seal should reveal if any of the
connectors have been unplugged, or if any unauthorized equipment has
been plugged in.
The seals should be difficult to remove without breaking, and should bridge
between the cable and equipment side (plug and socket) of the connection.
Seals should cover any unused network or audio sockets. This includes the
Ethernet connector on any adaptor front panels, any spare switch ports, and
the console port on the router and switch.
The seals should be difficult to reproduce. A sticker initialed or signed by
the technician should satisfy this.
Seals must be replaced if they need to be disturbed during maintenance.