In conventional mode, your radio communicates
directly with other radios over standard channels or via
a repeater. If your radio is in conventional mode, the
will appear in the upper lefthand
See pages 38 to 40 for more information on operating
in conventional mode.
Battery indicator
The battery indicator in the lower lefthand corner of the
display shows how charged the battery is. When the battery
is low, the low battery symbol (
) will flash, the radio
will emit a low-pitched beep every five seconds and the LED
indicator will slowly flash red. When the battery gets too
low, the radio will emit a long, low-pitched beep and stop
operating. You should turn off the radio immediately.
See pages 47 to 50 for recharging instructions.
To preserve battery life, it is recommended that you turn off
the radio when it is not in use.
Transmitting and receiving
Making and receiving calls in trunking mode is described on
pages 24 to 36. Making and receiving calls in conventional
mode is described on page 39.
Once a call is established, proceed with the conversation by
pressing the PTT (press-to-talk) key to transmit, and
speaking clearly into the radio. While you are transmitting,
the LED will glow red and the transmitting symbol ( ) will
flash. If you are transmitting at low power, the low power
symbol ( ) will flash.
Release the PTT key to hear the other party.