Battery Tester |
BAT 100
Battery Test
Connect the red (+) terminal connector cable to the positive (+) terminal of the battery.
Connect the black (-) terminal connector cable to the negative (-) terminal of the battery.
With both the battery clamps connected, the tester’s display meter will show the battery’s current state of
Engine and al electrical accessories must be off when testing battery.
If it is less than 12V, disconnect the battery and recharge before re-testing.
If recharging will not bring the reading above 12V, the battery is defective.
Press and hold the load switch “ON” for 10 seconds to apply the load to the battery.
Keep the load switch “ON” till the needle is steady. However do not exceed 10 seconds.
Read meter with load switch “ON”.
Release the battery load switch and remove the battery clamps from the battery.
Refer to the battery analysis table on back of tester or in user manual
Cold Temperature Effects
A battery will test lower when cold than when warm. For more accurate results, please reduce the battery’s
nominal rating by 200 CCA (one step on meter scale) for each 10°C drop below +5°C. If display meter CCA
rating is 800 and battery temperature is -5°C, read the same as 600 CCA (i.e. 1 step down).
Temperature Compensation
Battery Temperature
Decrease Rating by
1 Step
2 Step
3 Step
1 Step = 200 CCA