Operations Manual
SV-2002-X2 Server
Product Number-247 MNL-004
Page 43 of 84
Version 1.4. 01/12/2010 Passwords
In most cases a user (startup) password and a
supervisor (setup) password can be set in the
CMOS. When a Setup password is required,
the computer will prompt for it when you try to
access the BIOS setup. When a Startup
password is configured, the computer will
prompt for it at every startup.
The CMOS password can be reset by
shortening the "CMOS restore to factory
defaults jumper" or by temporarily removing the
CMOS battery.
Plug and Play BIOS
Today's BIOS' are Plug_and_play (PnP)-
aware. This means they are able to
automatically assign resources such as IRQ
and DMA to PnP devices.
Information about PnP devices is stored in a
separate area of non-volatile CMOS memory,
called the Extended System Configuration
Database (ESCD). Both the PnP BIOS and the
operating system can access this area and
communicate with each other about resource
settings assigned to PnP devices as well as
non-PnP devices. For example, when a fixed
interrupt request (IRQ) is manually assigned to
a particular device using Device Manager,
Windows will write this information to the
ESCD on shutdown thereby preventing the
BIOS from assigning the same IRQ to a PnP
device at startup.
You can also reserve IRQs for non-PnP
devices in the CMOS setup, this will prevent
the BIOS from assigning these reserved
resources to PnP devices, a common example
is a legacy sound card that needs IRQ 5