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When the LED is lit for the desired setting, press and hold the trigger until the 
LED goes out. When you release the trigger, the LED will blink to show the 
current setting. For example, if the current setting for debounce is 5, the LED will 
blink green 5 times. Once the LED stops blinking, you have 2 seconds to begin 
entering the new setting. 
To enter the new setting, pull the trigger the desired number of times. For example, 
to set the debounce to 2, you must pull the trigger 2 times. Every time you pull the 
trigger the LED will light. After all settings have been changed, turn the marker 
off, using the power button. 

Programming Example


If you want to set the dwell to 10, you should: 



Make sure the marker is powered off and the tournament lock is 



Push and hold the trigger and turn on the marker. The LED goes 
through a rainbow sequence then shows green. This is the debounce 



Quickly pull and release the trigger 1 time to switch to the dwell mode. 
The LED will show red. 



Pull and HOLD the trigger until the LED turns off. 



Release the trigger. The LED will blink out the current setting. 



When the LED stops blinking, enter the new setting by pulling the 
trigger 10 times. 



Wait until the LED turns back on, indicating programming has been 



Turn the marker off.





 – The Musashi software features a hybrid debounce scheme that uses 

microcontroller cycles to debounce the pull of the trigger and ½ ms time 
increments to debounce the release.  This results in a very effective debounce 
algorithm that does not hinder the user at any setting.  At low debounce settings, 
however, it may cause the marker to read switch bounce as additional pulls, falsely 
generating shots or near full-automatic fire.  The setting ranges from 1 to 50 and is 
defaulted at 10. 



The amount of time the solenoid is energized each time the marker is 

fired. The default is 8 ms. The range is 1 to 30 ms. Too low of a dwell may lead to 
inconsistency or drop-off.  Too high of a dwell can cause bad air efficiency. 

Loader Delay

 – Adds a slight delay after the eye has seen a ball and the bolt is 

cycled, causing the gun to fire. If not using force fed loaders, it may be necessary 
to increase this setting to prevent chopping. A setting of 1 means no loader delay, 
which is the fastest. The default is 2 and may be set from 1 to 30. 


– Allows the user to adjust the anti-mechanical bounce feature. Mechanical 

bounce occurs due to the kick generated during each shot and can cause the marker 
to “run away” on the first few shots. AMB helps stop markers from going full-auto 
when the trigger is pulled very slowly. The default is 2 and may be set from 1 to 5 
(1 being off). AMB is only used in fire modes 1 and 2 (semi-automatic unlimited 
and adjustable).  In PSP ramping, PSP burst, or NXL mode AMB is disabled. 

Bolt Delay

 – This setting determines how long the eyes are ignored after the dwell 

time ends. Some delay is necessary to allow the bolt to move far enough forward 
so the eye system does not mistake a small gap between a paintball and the bolt 
face for a bolt return. The default is 15 ms and may be set from 5 to 25 ms. Higher 
settings will reduce the maximum capable rate of fire, while lower settings may 
lead to skipped or blank shots because the bolt does not have enough time to block 
the eyes on its forward stroke. 

Eye Mode

 – This setting selects the eye mode. The default is 1, which is delayed. 

In delayed mode the eyes will watch for a ball up to ½ second after the trigger is 
pulled. After ½ second the marker will fire whether or not a ball is in the breech. If 
set to 2, the eye mode is forced. In forced mode the marker will not fire unless a 
ball is present in the breech or a force shot is utilized. The user can fire a force shot 
by holding down the trigger for ½ second. 

Fire Mode

 – Included are 5 different fire modes (default is 1): 



Semi-automatic, unlimited rate of fire 



Semi-automatic, adjustable rate of fire 



PSP ramping, adjustable rate of fire 



PSP burst, adjustable rate of fire 



NXL full automatic, adjustable rate of fire 


Setting 1 is normal semi-automatic with an unlimited rate of fire while the eyes are 
enabled. When the eyes are turned off, the max rate of fire is set to 20 balls per 

Setting 2 is semi-automatic with a capped rate of fire. It limits the maximum balls 
per second that can be fired.  The cap is set by the Max ROF setting. 
Setting 3 is the first PSP fire mode that works as follows: 


The first 3 shots of a string are semi-automatic 


After the 4


 shot the marker will add shots as long as the user fires 

faster than the ramp start setting.  For instance, if the ramp start setting 
is 5, then the user must pull 5 times per second or faster for the 
software to add additional shots. 


If the trigger is released, the marker will stop firing immediately 


If the trigger is not pulled again within 1 second of release, the 3-shot 
semi-automatic count starts over 

Setting 4 is the second PSP fire mode that works as follows: 


The first 3 shots of a string are semi-automatic 


After the 4


 shot the marker will fire 2 or more shots per pull as long as 

the user continually pulls and releases the trigger 


If the trigger is released, the marker will stop firing immediately 


If the trigger is not pulled again within 1 second of release, the 3-shot 
semi-automatic count starts over 

In normal operation, continually pulling the trigger faster than 5 to 6 pulls per 
second will effectively give the user full-automatic at the max rate of fire. If the 
user stops shooting then resumes within 1 second, the marker will return to the 
max rate of fire. If the user stops shooting for more than 1 second, the next 3 shots 
will be semi-automatic. On the 4


 shot it will resume a faster fire rate. 

PSP ramping and PSP burst differ in that PSP ramping requires the user to 
maintain the ramp start rate of fire for software assistance, whereas the PSP burst 
mode will fire at least 2 shots per pull, regardless of rate of fire.  Some players 
prefer multiple shots every time they pull the trigger after the initial 3 semi-
automatic shots, while others like to be able to shoot 1 ball at a time until they 
achieve a certain rate of fire. 
Setting 5 is the NXL full-automatic fire mode.  It functions similarly to the PSP 
fire modes except after the 3


 semi-automatic shot the user may pull and hold the 

trigger to have the marker fire in full-automatic. 

Fire Mode Max ROF

 – The maximum rate of fire setting only applies to the 2





, 4


, and 5


 fire modes.  The max rate of fire is adjustable from 14 to 20 balls 

per second in ¼ balls per second increments, and has an unlimited setting.  The 
default is 4, which is roughly 14.75 balls per second.  Oscillator inconsistencies 
from chip to chip make it impossible to time perfectly, so the only true way to 
check rate of fire is to use a Pact Timer or ballistic chronograph.  The red radar 
chronographs commonly found at fields are NOT reliable. 
Setting BPS 

  Setting BPS 

  Setting BPS 





















































Unlimited eyes on 


20 bps eyes off 

Cycle Percentage Filter



– The cycle percentage filter allows adjustment of 

the point within the current firing cycle that a new buffered shot is allowed.  
Almost all electronic paintball markers allow a single shot to be buffered in the 
event the user is fast enough to release the trigger and pull again during the current 
firing cycle.  The CPF setting is adjustable from 1 to 10.  Setting 1 turns the CPF 
off, allowing buffered shots at any point in the firing cycle.  Settings 2 through 10 
set the percentage of the firing cycle that must pass before shots may be buffered: 



CPF turned off 



10% of the firing cycle must pass before a buffered shot is allowed 

























