Throttle Stick
Motor turns off
Advance Throttle Stick
Motor runs full speed
Pull Control
Stick Back
Elevator moves up
Move Control
Stick Right
Right aileron moves up,
left aileron moves down
Move Control
Stick Left
Rudder moves left
1. Make certain all the controls respond in the correct direction when the
control sticks are moved as indicated.
Some ESCs feature an “arming”
safety procedure, where the motor will not turn the fi rst time the throttle stick
is advanced. Refer to the instructions for the ESC that came with your airplane
to fi nd out if your ESC has an arming feature.
If any of the controls do not respond in the correct direction, use the blade of
a small screwdriver to move the any of reversing switches necessary to the
other position. Confi rm that the controls respond correctly.
If none of the controls respond, confi rm that the transmitter is turned on and
the motor battery is connected to the ESC. Also confi rm that the battery is
at least partially charged. If there is still no control response, the receiver
may not be reading signals from the transmitter. “Bind” the receiver to the
transmitter as described on page 5.
2. When you get to the fl ying fi eld perform a “ground range check” to verify
that the receiver will read the transmitter’s signals from a distance. This isn’t
required before every fl ight, but should always be done before the fi rst fl ight
of the day. To do a ground range check, place the model on the ground and
have an assistant hold onto it. With the system turned on walk away from the
model while you operate the controls. Be certain to vary the motor speeds
as well. As you continue to walk and operate the transmitter confi rm that all
the controls continue to respond correctly. Do this until you reach a distance
as far away from the model as possible while still being able to clearly see it
(approximately 100’ [30m] (fi fty paces). If all the controls respond correctly the
model is ready to fl y. If any of the controls do not respond correctly
do not fl y
Refer to the TROUBLESHOOTING part of the manual below.