1. Prior to pump start-up, the system should be thor-
oughly cleaned, flushed and drained to prevent dam-
age to seal surfaces.
2. Open isolation valves and re-fill system with clean water.
Check for any leaks.
3. Vent all air from system at an air vent located at the
high point in the system.
4. Start circulator to check for proper operation.
Taco Wood Boiler Series Hi-Capacity circulators are
designed to provide years of trouble-free service. However,
periodic inspection and routine maintenance is recom-
mended for all hydronic systems and mechanical equip-
ment. If any evidence of leakage or damage is present,
take preventive steps to repair or replace the circulator
Refer to Fig. 2
on back page.
1. Follow steps 1 thru 5 in section “Removal of existing
pump from system piping”.
2. Loosen the four body bolts that attach the motor hous-
ing to the casing. While supporting the motor, remove
the four bolts and carefully remove the motor and
impeller assembly from the casing.
3. To remove the impeller, first insert a screwdriver into
the motor ventilation slots to make contact with one of
the rotor cooling fins. While holding the rotor in place
with the screwdriver, turn the impeller clockwise to
loosen and remove from shaft.
4. Remove the seal assembly from the shaft.
5. Remove the face plate from the motor housing. To
remove face plate, gently pry it away from the housing.
6. Remove the old seal seat and cup. Lubricate the new
cup with soapy water and install new parts in the face
plate recess. Replace the face plate to its original posi-
tion. Carefully tap the face plate evenly into the recess
in the motor housing.
7. Clean the impeller shaft before installing the new seal.
8. Lubricate the impeller shaft with soapy water. Do not
install new seal on a dry impeller shaft or damage to
seal may result.
9. Slide the new carbon seal and spring assembly onto
the shaft until it contacts the silicon-carbide seal seat.
10. While holding the rotor in place as in Step 3, thread the
impeller onto the shaft in a counter-clockwise direction
until it stops. Check to make sure the pump will rotate.
If the impeller will not spin freely, contact Taco
Technical Support at 1-401-942-8000.
11. Remove old body gasket, clean the recess in the pump
casing and install the new body gasket provided.
12. Attach the pump casing to the motor housing and
secure with the four body bolts. Be sure flow arrow is
pointing in proper direction. Tighten the four bolts
evenly in a criss-cross pattern to 65 in-lb of torque.
There should be a small, even gap between the casing
and the motor mounting bracket.
13. Re-install circulator into system using new flange
gaskets. Refer to section “Installation of Wood Boiler
Series Circulator” for complete mounting and wiring
CAUTION: Do not start the pump until the sys-
tem has been completely filled and vented.
Running the pump dry may damage the
mechanical seal and void warranty.
CAUTION: Do not allow screwdriver to make
contact with motor windings or insulation.
Permanent damage to motor may result.
CAUTION: Do not allow screwdriver to make
contact with motor windings or insulation.
Permanent damage to motor may result.