EC Declaration of conformity
EC Declaration of conformity
In accordance with EU Di-
rective, 98/37/EC
Kverneland Group Geldrop BV
Nuenenseweg 165
5667 KP Geldrop
The Netherlands
declare under our sole responsibility that the product
to which this declaration relates, conforms to the relevant basic safety
and health requirements of EU Directive 98/37/EC.
For the relevant implementation of the safety and health requirements
mentioned in the EU Directive, the following standards have been tak-
en into account:
EN 12100-1;2 (04/2004)
EN 294 (06/1992)
EN 982 (11/1996)
DIN EN ISO 14982 (08/1998)
Kverneland Group Geldrop BV
Geldrop, 22.09.2006
Casper Böhme
Business unit manager
Type plate
7420 and accessories