Control yoUr rEptilE!
the main controls on your
are the ECHo, rEpEat, tiME and
lEVEl knobs, while the FlUttEr DEptH & spEED knobs and the
MoDUlation button provide further options.
ECHo determines the mix of direct and delayed signal. turn it down
for a subtler natural effect, and crank it up for doubling or freaky long
delay effects.
the rEpEat knob lets you control the number of times a sound is
repeated – from just once to a virtual infinity.
tiME determines the rate of your echo repeats and can be adjusted
from 10 to 1,000 ms. tip: to experiment, try tuning in a classic 50s
slap-back sound by combining a fast time with a low repeat value.
20113-manual_Reptile.indd 4
07/04/08 13:48:04