We are very proud to give re-birth to these three classics in “the
right way” by doing the work ourselves in Vejle, Denmark. We
hope they will keep the legacy of our red, blue and yellow “ba-
bies” alive while giving players a second chance for owning one
of them.
Please welcome back the Alberta, Mudhoney and Tremster!
This pedal is a reissue of one of the very first stompbox series
made by T-Rex.
They were handmade in Vejle, Denmark using local suppliers
and “local” employees such as family members and friends of T-
Rex founders Lars and Sebastian. Yes, the old, sought-after Mud-
honeys, Albertas and Tremsters were made in a smokey, low-key
environment filled with passion and late-night soldering. We´re
talking small scale, big expectations, here.
The reissue pedals use the same leaded components and parts
as the old ones, but are wave soldered for higher precision and
quality. The bypass circuit has been changed to a true bypass
design, but other than that, it´s just like the old days. We even
stuck in some resistor values that were “slightly off the mark” but
contributed to the sound in a very positive way.