T-Eye ADR3320 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 6




Caution for installation 

 Stop the car at a safe parking lot before operating the device. 

Do not operate the product while driving. It might be a cause of car accident. 


Do not obstruct the view of the product through the front windshield. 

 The GPS receiver may not work properly.   

 Do not disassemble, repair or modify the device 

 This voids the warranty and where we take no responsibility for product damage or 

problems caused by the user.   

 When replacing the fuse, please use a fuse with the rated capacity under the recommended 

power guidelines. Using this product in alternative power situation will void the product warranty 
and could result in fire. 

 Any excessive window tinting may cause an unclear or distorted image on playback.   

First record and then play back the video to see if the recorded video is acceptable. 

 Use only the provided cables and specified power input. 

 A cable not supplied by the manufacturer may cause product damage, a fire or a 

short circuit. 

 When using double-faced tape, wipe the window clean and clean the surface of the device with 

dry cloth before putting the tape.   


From the drop of a product by any foreign substances or dust, it may cause a fatal 

damage to the product or a car accident while driving.



Caution for Archive




Do not insert foreign substances into the product. 


Do not cover the camera lens with any materials or objects. 

This may affect recording quality.   


Do not drop or apply excessive shock. This may cause product damage. 


Avoid high temperature from heating device.



Avoid placing the product under high moisture or dust level. 




Turn the device off before cleaning the device. 


Avoid placing the device under high moisture or dust level. 

    Only clean the device with dry cloth if it is necessary. 


Содержание ADR3320

Страница 1: ...1 Automated Drive Recorder User Manual ADR3320...

Страница 2: ...utebeforeand1minuteafter EvenifEmergencyrecordingcreatesNOToverwrittendata ifthenumberofemergencydata exceedsthecapacityofSDcard thefirstemergencydatafilewillbeoverwrittenandthensavesthe data Note The...

Страница 3: ...e 19 Preparation for video recording 19 Continuous recording while driving 19 Running the viewer program after driving 19 Running Player viewer program 20 PC System Requirements 20 Player Installation...

Страница 4: ...toensureitsproper operation Tip For safe and long term use of the SD card PleasemakesuretoturnoffthedevicepowerwheninsertingorejectingtheSDcard Generally the SD card has a set lifespan and may not be...

Страница 5: ...SD card InserttheSDcardtotheproduct Ensure that the capacity of the SD card is not exceeded A full SD card will not allow one to record manual alarms or G sensor based triggers Pleasemakesuretoturnof...

Страница 6: ...ee if the recorded video is acceptable Use only the provided cables and specified power input A cable not supplied by the manufacturer may cause product damage a fire or a short circuit Whenusingdoubl...

Страница 7: ...Mono in out GPS Built inGPS G Sensor 3Daccelerationsensorbuilt in Maincarbatterysupported Supported ParkingSurveillanceAvailable Monitoring of parking 0 24 hour Supportedmemory SDCardupto32GB Power D...

Страница 8: ...window Displays time and speed information Infra Red IR Light Infra Red IR Lightfornight vision RearCamera Recordsinteriorimagesofthe vehicle SDcard Slot ToinserttheSDcardinto unit Eventreleasebutton...

Страница 9: ...reen setup functionand thenchoose thefunctionwithOK button Playbackcontrolbutton Playbacktheselectedfileand adjusttheframes MODEbutton ActivatePIPfunction MENUcancelbutton Cancelthepreviousfunction Pa...

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Страница 11: ...ownloadtherecommendedformatterprogramforSDformatting 4 In case where the PC does not support the SD card and the SD SDHC2 0 card standard use a separate SDHC2 0 USB reader SD card to USB adapter 5 SDc...

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Страница 13: ...eandrunit 4 Installtheprogramonyourcomputer 5 1 SelectadriveonSDcardreader SDcardwillbeautomaticallyrecognizedif SDcardis inserted 2 ClicktheOptionandchoosethe CheckONandclicktheOKbutton 3 ClicktheFOR...

Страница 14: ...oduct Installingthe accessories Cleanthesurfacewith dryclothbeforeputting thetape ConnectthedeviceandT box Removetheplasticfrom thedouble facedtape ontheholderlocatedon theupperrearofthe rearviewmirro...

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Страница 16: ...nofthefuseboxinthevehicle 2 FixtheplacetoinstalltheT BOXinthevehicle 3 AdjustthelengthofthewirefromT BOXtothefusebox 4 Remove the A pillar like picture 1 and insert install the cable at The gap betwee...

Страница 17: ...atcigarettelighterpoweraftertheignitionis off 6 ChecktheallwiresandpoweronandCheck the following points after parking surveillance setting Theproductisturnedoffagainafterpoweringontheproduct Afterthep...

Страница 18: ...N while USB connected The sign is ON while GPS signal captured Designated speed measurement unit F_UP Firmwareupdate OFF PowerOFF Trouble shooting Indication Trouble description How to check Sd_E SDca...

Страница 19: ...yourvehicle sspeed whenstopped theunititdisplaysthetime 2 WhenthecapacityoftheSDcardhasbeenreached theoldestfilesareoverwrittenfor continuousrecording Thedatarecordedbyeithertheunit sinternalG Sensoro...

Страница 20: ...wsXPHomeEditionorhigher Graphics DirectX8 1borhigher HDDspace 200MBorhigher WhenusingMSWindowsVistaandPlayersoftwareforthefirsttime youmayhavetorunthePlayerin AdministratorMode Player installation 1 I...

Страница 21: ...escription 1 ForwardCameraview Displaysthevideoimagesrecordedbytheforwardfacingcamera 2 InteriorCameraview Displaysthevideoimagesrecordedbytheinteriorfacingcamera 3 VehicleSpeed Displaysthespeedofyour...

Страница 22: ...Interface Controls Button Function Button Function Movetothepreviousfile Movetothenextfile Playbackthepreviousframe Openafile PausethePlayback ConvertthefileintoanAVIformat Stop PlaybackLinktherecord...

Страница 23: ...AME Filenameoftherecordedvideoimages RECORDTIME Dateandtimewhentheimageshavebeenrecorded EVENTTYPE Displaystherecordingtype Continuousrecording Emergencyrecording remoteeventbuttonrecording Clicktheli...

Страница 24: ...ay window Withdouble clickthedisplaywindow therecordedimagesareplayedbackattheoriginalsize Doubleclickingthescreenreturnstheviewtonormal originalsize UsethePC smousetomovethe screensandadjustthemwithi...

Страница 25: ...simultaneouslyrecordstheGPSdatawhiledrivingsoyoucancheckthedriver sroute onthemap ClicktheGIS MAPicon onthelowerrightcorner Themapwindowappears fortheusertoseethevehiclelocationandtravelontoacitymap T...

Страница 26: ...ontoconvertthe imagesintotheAVIfileformat ThevideoplaybackstopsandtheAVIconversionwindow appearasbelow 2 SetthefollowingoptionsfromthewindowandclickStart 1 AVIstoragedirectory 2 Selectionofprevious ne...

Страница 27: ...audiorecordfunction 5 PasswordSetting SetsanyPasswordtoaccesstherecordeddata Upto 10digitalphabetornumber 6 TimeZoneSetting Setsthetimezonefortheuser Ex Korea GMT 09 00 7 UnitforSpeed Settheunitofthec...

Страница 28: ...ateduringtheparkingsurveillance 1 2 3 5 7 5 10 15 frame s sec 4 AudioRecording EnablesorDisablestheaudiorecordfunction 5 G SensorSensitivity SetsthesensitivityofG Sensor Availableto seteachX Y Zaxisby...

Страница 29: ...ontheSDcard Whenusingtheplaybacksoftware thisinformationisrepresented inagraphicformat Theresultinggraphmaybeusedtoanalysisthedrivingconditionanddriver s habits Dependingonthetypeofthevehicle theampli...

Страница 30: ...30 TV OUT Viewer No Name Description 1 Live Video Displays live video streaming 2 Playback Video Playback video and audio data recorded 3 System Setup Configuration settings 4 Exit Closing TV out...

Страница 31: ...eviously 2 By Page UP DOWN it moves page of the file list 3 By itmovesfiles 4 Selects file by press OK button 1 By Playbackcontrolbutton movetoprevious next frameorrewind pausetheplayingfiles 2 Press...

Страница 32: ...ice center The product may be repaired or exchanged for a factory refurbished unit Faults reported outside of the warranty period are subject to a chargeable repair 1 RemovetheSDcardfromthedeviceandin...

Страница 33: ...33 AUTOMATED DRIVE RECORDER Ver 1 0...
