9. WiFi
Enter the submenu WiFi with a short press of OK button .
Select"Off” or "On” with a short press of / button, the wifi password
is 12345678. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button
. Exit WiFi with a long press of Menu button. (The Menu page can
not be opened while WiFi is turned on) The corresponding APP is
available in its official website.
10. Exposure
Enter the submenu exposure with a short press of OK button . Se-
lect one of the options with a short press of / button. Confirm your
selection with a short press of OK button .
11. Language
Enter the submenu Language with a short press of OK button . Se-
lect one of the options with a short press of / button, select “English,
Chinese, Polish, German, Italian, Spanish, Czech”. Confirm your se-
lection with a short press of OK button
12. Date/ Time
Enter the submenu “Date/Time” with a short press of OK button .
Select one of the options with OK button . Select a correct value
for year, month and date with a short press of / button. Select “YY
/MM/DD”, “MM/DD/YY”or “DD/MM/ YY”as your date format with a
short press of / button. Save selected date and exit the submenu
with a short press of Menu button.
13. Format
Enter the submenu “Format” with a short press of OK button . Se-
lect “Memory” or “ TF card” with a short press of / button. Confirm
your selection with a short press of OK button . Please be careful,
the data can not be recovered after the device is formatted.
14. Default Setting
>Default Setting Enter the submenu “Default Setting” with a short
press of OK button . Select “Cancel” or “ OK” with a short press of
/ button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button .