Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd
SMG-D Series Analog Gateway User Manual (Version 2.0.0)
Page 56
3.10.14 Access Control
Figure 3-20 Access Control List Interface
See the Access Control List interface. Once you add a piece of command to ACL, the network
flow will be restricted: only the particular devices are allowed to visit the gateway and only the data
packages on the designated ports can be forwarded. Click
Add New
to add a new piece of
command. See Figure 3-21.
Figure 3-21 Add Access Control Command Interface
Input a piece of command into the Command item and click
to save the settings to the
gateway. Click
to cancel your settings. After that, click
to make the new command
in Figure 3-20 to modify a command. The configuration items on the Access Control
Command Modification interface are the same as those on the
Add Access Control Command
interface. Note that the item
cannot be modified.
To delete an Access Control Command, check the checkbox before the corresponding index and
click the
button, and then click the
button to make the deleted command invalid.
Check All
means to select all available items on the current page;
Uncheck All
means to cancel
all selections on the current page;
means to uncheck the selected items and check the
unselected. To clear all access control commands at a time, click the
Clear All
1. Currently, only the command iptables is supported by the gateway.
2. After you add, modify or delete a command manually, don‟t forget to click the
button to
make your settings valid. However, in case the gateway restarts or the configuration is leading-in,
the command will get valid automatically without the need for you to click the
3.10.15 PING Test
On the Ping test interface, a Ping test can be initiated from the gateway on a designated IP
address to check the connection status between them. The table below explains the configuration
items on the interface.