Loading and Saving Patches
There are 16 user patches that are stored in the E370’s internal memory (no uSD required).
Each patch saves the complete, entire state of the E370: all the pages, referenced Wavetable banks and all the
settings. The panel pot positions are not saved.
Patches must be saved/recalled via the encoder system. Patches cannot be ‘backed up’, but they can be over-written.
About Page/Credits
The top portion will show the OS build date/version, then after a short delay will continuously scroll the E370 credits.
The lower half is a simple diagnostic screen. It shows on a scale of -99 to +99 the 16 CV values and a 1/0 indication if
the 4 SYNC lines (1 is no SYNC, 0 is SYNC active).
Input voltage range (all inputs): -5V to +5V, 12KHz max frequency
Audio output voltage: 11V pk-pk nominal before clipping
SYNC input voltage threshold: +0.6V nominal, positive-edge slope generated internal SYNC
Number of wavetables: 512 in 8 shared banks
Wavetable Size: 256 samples, 16bit unsigned integer (7FFFh is mid-scale)
Power Requirement
+12V @ 105ma, -12V @32ma. If the DIY power connector is installed, the power can be +-9V to +-15V.
MorphXY: the 2 parameters are used to create an output from the 8x8 wavetable array. X will scan back & forth
across a row and Y scans up & down a column. Think of each wavetable is a square on a chess board.
Phase: scans all 64 waves ‘end-to-end’ in the selected bank, and has phase shift and amplitude controls
Wavefolder: scans all 64 waves ‘end-to-end’ and has a Chebyshev polynomial wavefolder
Cloud: creates 2, 4 or 8 copies of the wave, and then detunes them (Spread) and adds filtered noise FM
2-OP FM: 2 operator FM. You can select standard Sines or other waves/wavetables
Noise: 4 types of noise plus optional 4-pole, resonant lowpass ladder filter applied.
Sample Player: this treats the selected bank as 1 giant wavetable/sample. There are Start and Stop points applied, so
all or a tiny portion of the wavetable is played back. You can use a SYNC input to play the sample back in “1-shot”
mode, like a drum machine.
Please note that no anti-aliasing filtering is applied during playback. Very short sample lengths will increase
Tech support/primary contact information is via our Facebook page: SynthTech Modular
Release 1.3 – Jan. 19, 2018