DesignWare ARC AXC003 CPU Card User Guide
Board Interface Overview
Synopsys, Inc.
Version 6323-018
May 2017
6.2 Board Interface Overview
The AXC003 CPU Card has two female HapsTrak II connectors and a female 18-pin power-
supply connector on the bottom of the card. These connectors are provided for mounting the
AXC003 CPU Card on the ARC SDP Mainboard.
The top of the AXC003 CPU Card has two male HapsTrak II connectors, which can be used
to connect a HAPS logic-analyzer card for debugging.
The AXC003 CPU Card has two Mictor connectors, one of which can be used to connect an
Ashling Ultra-XD debugger.
Additionally, the AXC003 CPU Card features two male SMB clock connectors, which are
reserved for future extensions.
Power Supply Connector
Power is supplied to the AXC003 CPU Card by the ARC SDP Mainboard through the power-
supply connector on the bottom of the AXC003 CPU Card board. The following voltage levels
are provided: 1.1V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V and 12.0V.
See the “
” section for details.
HapsTrak II Connectors (Bottom)
The AXC003 CPU Card communicates with the ARC SDP Mainboard using two HapsTrak II
connectors, which carry signal groups such as:
AXI tunnel
JTAG (ARC cores)
FPGA (JTAG, control)
These connectors include 24 GPIO pins, which are connected to DIP switches on the ARC
SDP Mainboard during reset. These switches are used to configure the boot mode of the ARC
cores on the AXC003 CPU Card. At the end of reset the switch settings are latched inside the
AXC003 Processor FPGA. After a reset these signals are connected to port A (bits [23:0]) of
the GPIO peripheral of the AXC003 Processor FPGA.
Refer to the
” section for details on the functionality.