V R C 5 0 0 0
PCMCIA cards appear as unique drives under the VRC operating
system. Their drive designation depends on the particular card and
the PCMCIA slot in which it is installed. See the VRC 4000/5000
Product Reference Guide for more information.
Booting the VRC 5000
If the VRC 5000 locks up during normal operation, it can be reset
by performing a warm or cold boot. The type of boot depends on
the desired state of the VRC system.
Warm Boot
Perform a warm boot when you need to clear the system’s memory
to run another program, or do not want the computer to perform a
self-test. You must have a keyboard or keyboard emulator
previously attached to the system to perform a warm boot.
To perform a warm boot:
1. Press CTRL-ALT-DEL on the keyboard or keyboard emulator
on the touchscreen. This causes the system to reprocess the
config.sys and autoexec.bat files.
2. Reload the desired software application, if necessary.
Cold Boot
Perform a cold boot when the screen is frozen or the system is
otherwise locked up. The cold boot is a power-up sequence.
To cold boot the VRC 5000, remove the power supply from
the wall outlet, then reinsert it, OR push the RESET button on
the rear panel.
To cold boot the VRC 5040, turn off the power ON/OFF
switch on the DC power converter, then turn it back on, OR
push the RESET button on the rear panel.