Quick Start Guide
Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliability, function, or design. Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Broadcom does not assume
any liability arising out of the application or use of this information, nor the application or use of any product or circuit described herein, neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. (2021.08.24, 15:01:35)
Attach the two outer rails to the rack, extending the rails
as necessary to fit the rack. Secure the front and rear
brackets with two M6 rack screws each. Do not yet fully
tighten the rack screws.
Fully tighten the side-mounting screws, three per side,
securing the rear brackets to the front brackets.
Inspect the outer rails, making sure they are installed at
the same level in the rack and free of defects, damage,
and debris. Verify the rails extend and retract smoothly
and stop at the slide-stop.
4. Install the chassis into the 4-post equipment rack (
Align the inner rails attached to the appliance with the
outer rails in the rack and slide the appliance half-way
into the rack.
Fully tighten the M6 rack screws securing the outer rails
to the rack.
Press the release tabs on the inner rails and gently
slide the appliance all the way into the rack.
Tighten the captive thumbscrews on the appliance’s rack
ears to prevent the appliance from sliding out of the rack.
5. Reconnect the cables as documented in
and verify the appliance is functioning as in
See below for support and additional documentation.
Symantec Technical Support
For Symantec technical support, case management,
licenses, and product downloads, go to:
Reporter Software Documentation
and type “reporter” in
the search field, then click
Appliance Documentation
S Series WebGuide
(Maintenance and Upgrades)
S500 Series Safety and Compliance Guide