BSTR GetComputerName();
void SetComputerName(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
The phone number is the number to dial to establish a modem connection to a
pcAnywhere host computer.
BSTR GetPhoneNumber();
void SetPhoneNumber(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
Indicates whether TAPI dialing properties should be used (location information)
(TRUE) or whether the phone number string should be used exactly as it appears
BOOL GetUseDialingProperties();
void SetUseDialingProperties(BOOL bNewValue);
If dialing properties are to be used, this is the area code of the number to be called.
BSTR GetAreaCode();
void SetAreaCode(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
If dialing properties are to be used, this is the country code of the number to be
BSTR GetCountryCode();
void SetCountryCode(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
The number of times to retry dialing this number if the call fails.
short GetRedialCount();
void SetRedialCount(short nNewValue);
The time to wait (in seconds) between redial attempts.
short GetRedialDelay();
void SetRedialDelay(short nNewValue);
The login name to be sent to the host when a connection is made. If this is left
empty, the user is prompted for a login name on connection.
BSTR GetAutoLoginName();
void SetAutoLoginName(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
The login password to be sent to the host when a connection is made. If this is left
empty, the user is prompted for a password on connection.
BSTR GetAutoLoginPassword();
void SetAutoLoginPassword(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
Visual C++ object definitions
CRemoteData object