Dialing Calls
In the standby interface, press number keys to input the area code and the telephone number, and then
press the Dial key to dial a call. To end the call, press the End key.
Dialing an international call
Press the * key twice and input "+". Then input the country code, the area code and the telephone
number. Finally, press the Dial key.
Dialing a number in the phonebook
Enter the phonebook and use the up and/or down direction keys to find the telephone number you want to
call.press the Dial key.
Redialing the last number
In the standby interface, press the dial key to show the dialed calls.
Adapting volume
During a conversation, you can press the Up and/or Down direction keys to tune the sound volume.
Answering incoming calls
Press the Dial key or the Left soft key to answer an incoming call.
Press the End key to end the current conversation.
To reject an incoming call, press the End or Right soft key.
Using options during a conversation
Select Menu during a conversation to turn on hands-free, switch and start recording, etc.
Using the Headset
It would enter headset mode automatically when you insert headset.
Input method
Input method
Input method
Input method
This mobile phone provides multiple input methods, including smart English input, English input and
numeric input. You can use these input methods when editing the phonebook, messages, files and greeting
Icons for Input Methods
After you enter an edit window such as a window for editing the phonebook, short messages or the
memorandum, an icon is displayed to indicate the current input method:
Numeric input:
English input
ABC, Abc, abc
Smart English input:
sEN, sEn, sen
To Shift Entry Methods
Press the # key to switch between input methods.
Numeric Input
You can input numbers with the numeric input method. Press a number key to input the corresponding
English input and numeric input:
The keyboards for English input and numeric input are defined in the following table:
Character or Function
Number key 1
. , - ? ! ’@ : /_ 1
Number key 2
Number key 3