Step 5)
Set the slide switch on the Solar Charger (Part D) to MPPT for the most efficient charging. Then set
the Battery Gauge slide switch to Off also on the Solar Charger (Part D).
Step 6)
Attach Nylon Headers (with screws or nuts) to all the boards (Parts C, D, H, I, J, K and L). Note: Part
E (USB PowerCentral) will hang off the Solar Control by itself without supports. Feel free to add them if you
wish! Note that the Solar Charger has screws and headers included in the package with the heatsink.
Step 7)
Glue an additional nylon spacer on Part J (HDC1080 Temp/Humidity Sensor) and two on Part C
(INA3221) the same height of the spacers from Step 5) to provide a stable base.
Step 8)
Step 9)
Version 1.4 December 2019