Repairs, inspection and Warranty
Section 9
The Swing warranty is a comprehensive
service package, which fulfils high standards
for customer service and customer care. The
terms of the warranty are on our website in
the section
You must register your paraglider or other
Swing product in order to be able to rely on
the warranty. You are able to register quickly
and easily online on our website.
You will receive a confirmation email.
If you do not have an email address, enter
'[email protected]' in the mandatory field.
Registrations without a personal email
address will be recorded by Swing but will
not receive confirmation. We therefore
recommend that you register online with an
email address.
The manufacturer must be notified
immediately of any defects in the product,
variations or changes in flight behaviour and
any warranty claims
. If necessary, the glider
or other Swing product must be sent to
Swing Flugsportgeräte GmbH for inspection.
By registering your product, you will
automatically receive by email safety notices
and information messages.