Section 04
Setting up the TWIN RS 2 and first-flying
Tandem spreader bar
SWING offers suitable spreader bar TWIN RS.
They are offering various hangpoint options to
allow for height and/or weight differences
between the pilot and passenger. These are
shown in figure below.
Differences in height are offset by attaching the
passenger's carabiners in the upper or lower
loops on the front of the spreader bar.
If you intend to use a different spreader bar,
follow the instructions in the spreader bars
When using and adjusting the spreader bar,
make sure that the pilot can always reach the
risers, trimmers and brake handles.
We recommend that you use a steel carabiner
with adequate breaking strength as the
carabiner for the main hangpoint. Please
familiarise yourself with your country’s national
Fig. 8
Tandem spreader bar