Swiftech Inc., 1703 E. 28
St., Signal Hill, CA 90755 T. (562) 595-8009 F. (562) 595-8769
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Preparing your Motherboard
Remove the existing heat sink
Carefully clean the CPU.
Lightly coat the CPU with the provided thermal compound.
Only a paper-thin
coat is necessary
. It should be applied using
preferably a razor blade, or a credit card, held between thumb and index at a 45-degree angle.
Installing the MCW5000-P™ water-block in Pentium
4 socket 478 stock retention frame:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Position your block inside of the
retention frame, and put both clips in
place for the next steps, by simply
slipping the non thumb-tabbed end of
each clip in the retention frame’s locking
While maintaining the opposite side of the
block to prevent it from tipping over, push
down on the thumb-tab to hook the first
clip to the retention frame’s locking hole.
While still maintaining pressure on the
block, hook-down the second clip.
Installation is complete!
Removing the block: simply reverse the procedures described in steps 2 and 3 above
Connect the block to the rest of the cooling circuit.
The block is designed in such a way that it will bleed itself automatically in any vertical orientation (computer standing-up).
Final inspection
Once the installation is completed,
it is always a good idea to test the circuit for leaks, prior to powering up the computer
Troubleshooting help is available on our web site at
, or by calling customer support at 562-595-8009.
Note concerning removal of the tubing
: Push in collet squarely against face of fitting. A tube removal tool is provided with the
MCW5000 block. With the collet firmly held against the face of the fitting, the tube can be safely pulled out. Do not attempt to pull the tube out
without pushing squarely against the collet. This may result in damaging the fitting. Further details for using quick-connect fittings are also
available here: