We reserve the right to alter specifications. 47
vailable static pr
e, Pa
Air flow, m
The lower limit for the airflow when the unit is operating in the airflow regulation
Recommended range for the design working point.
Permissible operating range when the fan is controlled to operate at a lower speed. If pressure
regulation is used, the airflow can be regulated to zero, however this presupposes a certain static
pressure drop in the ducting (approx. 50 Pa).
Permissible operating range in accordance with regulation 1253/2014
Working point with the highest air flow shall be found within the permissible area. In case of
unbalanced air flows; mean working point, supply extract shall be used.
Working points with less air flow is allowed to be found outside the permissible range e.g. in case of
variable air flow.
Max. limit, Ecodesign 2016.
Outer limit - largest permissible air flow at maximum speed.
Remaining outer limits.
Recommended average working point.