U s e r M a n U a l
T r a n s f e r r i n g M u s i c
The sweetPea3 appears to your computer as a UsB hard
drive. This means that you can transfer music files to and
from the sweetPea3 using Windows explorer or Mac Finder.
You can also drag songs from iTunes to the sweetpea3.
Three folders on the sweetPea3 called PlaY1, PlaY2 and
PlaY3 contain songs in Playlist 1, Playlist 2 and Playlist 3
respectively. songs not in these folders are not played by
the sweetPea3. To load songs from your computer onto the
sweetPea3, simply drag and drop them from your computer
into the PlaY folders.
songs play in the order they are placed in the PlaY folders,
in other words, new songs are added to the end of the
playlist. One convenient method to order your songs
is to place them in a temp folder on the sweetPea3 then
drag them one at a time to the PlaY folders. You can also
let Windows arrange the songs alphabetically in the temp
folder then drag the whole lot to the PlaY folders.
Example Using Windows Explorer
Plug your sweetPea3 into the UsB port of your computer
using the supplied UsB cable. a screen asking what you
want Windows to do will appear. select the Windows
explorer option. The screen pictured here will appear. Drag
and drop songs, normally located in your “My Music” folder,
to the PlaY folders.
Example Using Mac Finder
Plug your sweetPea3 into the UsB port of your computer
using the supplied UsB cable. The sweetPea3 should appear
in your “Devices” list in Mac Finder as shown in the screen
pictured here. Drag and drop songs from iTunes to the PlaY
Licensed (protected) music
The sweetPea3 does not play DrM encrypted (protected)
music. If a song does not play, check that it is not protected.
Getting Songs onto your computer
Use the media player on your computer, such as Windows
Media Player or iTunes, to copy songs from your CD
collection to your computer. Insert the CD into the drive
and your media player should open automatically, giving
you the option to copy the CD. Consult the media player’s
documentation for more information. The recommended
import settings are: MP3 encoder, 128kbps, no protection.
You can also purchase music from many online sources such
as iTunes and amazon.com. The sweetPea3 currently plays
MP3, WMa, aaC and OGG formatted songs. Go to
occasionally to check for the availability
of other decoders.
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05/05/10 12:04 PM