SDM16i Product Manual
the network is ideal for having a reliable device, not affected by wireless signals and battery
power, that being constantly connected to the mixer easy staff usage in time critical
situations. Also, this setup will allow internet connection to be passed onto all devices, great
for being able to stream music using your phone while still connected to the mixer. By adding
Wi-Fi extenders to an existing network and adjusting smartphone settings to automatically
swap Wi-Fi networks, a wireless connection to the mixer can operate seamlessly between
multiple venue locations without the need to reconnect.
Rear Panel:
The rear panel contains an IEC plug power cable input accepting 110-240V (50-60Hz 70W)
power, with an on/off switch. Connection details including IP addresses required for software
access through a web browser are printed to ensure users can check to access at any time.
Consider changing the IP addresses for network access from the default to help secure access
to the mixer.