Rev. 2.4
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© 2014 Suzo-Happ Group
Bill™ 300XE
5.1. Bill Validator (MFLV-9013, MFLV-2110)
After removing the bill validator from the chassis it should be visually inspected to ensure no physical
damage is present. If any excessive damage is found such as dents or cracks, it should be reported
to a technician for further analysis.
After the all-round visual inspection has been done, follow the following steps to clean and further
inspect both the upper and lower compartments of the bill validator.
All sensor sets should be first cleaned according to Level 1, however, as they are being cleaned,
ensure that none of the rectangular prism lenses are protruding due to a potential of validator being
dropped. If a protruding lenses are found on the surface of the bill
validator’s compartments (by
passing a piece of paper or a card over them and having it hit the lens), simply press it down lightly in
order to place it back into its original position.
Properly installed lens (sunken)
Improperly installed lens (raised)