4. Carefully stand the unit upright. Making sure
all components are square to each other, tight-
en all nuts and bolts securely.
5. Install pump mounting plate on the side of
the upright channel using the 3 M10 x 25mm
bolts, nuts and washers. Mount Head ram tra-
verse plates. The side with two bars welded to
them go inside the frame, with the thick thread-
ed plate on the bottom. Using two 10mm x 120
mm bolts, washers and nuts snug only enough
To allow plate to travel.
6. Install the pumping
unit to the mounting
plate using 2 M10 x
25mm bolts, nuts and
washers. Make sure
pump is centered on
this mounting plate.
7. With press standing upright and all bolts
tightened install the worktable. Insert two table
pins in the two lowest holes. Take the worktable
and tilt it at a sharp angle and insert it in the
NOTE: the gussets welded to the table are at
slight angles. The narrowest dimension of these
gussets go down. See drawing (Step 1). Once
worktable is in the uprights turn it level and
lower down and set it on the table pins. (Step
2) Take care when doing this, a helper would
be advised.
8. Locate the cylinder and remove the plastic
protective cap on the end of the ram. (If appli-
cable) Carefully screw the cylinder from the top
into the head traverse ram plate.
Screw this in as tight as
possible while keeping
the cylinders hydraulic
hose fitting facing to
the left.
(Cylinder may not be
totally tight while
keeping the fitting fac-
ing this way, but it will
not effect the presses
operation.) Using Tef-
lon tape install the
gauge to the top of
the cylinder facing for-
9. Remove the plastic protective cap from the
end of the hydraulic hose. Screw the hydraulic
hose onto the cylinder hose fitting.
The fitting has a
knurled collar that you
can tighten by hand.
(Do not use a wrench
because damage may
occur to the fitting) The
hose has a check valve
that prevents oil from
escaping so if hose is
ever removed air will
not get in the system.
Install a nose piece and
use table blocks when
operating this machine.
NOTE: system is filled with oil and may take a
few pumps to fill all lines. Close the pump valve
and pump to check for piston action, and for
If air appears to be in the system, open the valve
handle and pump vigorously about a dozen
times. Close valve and try again.
10. Chose location placement. Mount the press
securely. You are now ready to use the press.
Always use the supplied nose pieces. The flat
nose piece will be good for most pressing and
flattening operations. The step style nose piece
will work well for pressing bearing, bushing and
parts that have a hole that the nose piece will
fit into. This nose piece will help support or hold
the piece during pressing operations.
Gussets inside
Step 1
Step 2
Pump mounting
plate. Mount-
ing bolts, nuts
Traverse plates