If you Want to Improve Coverage
1. Find a location that receives a stronger signal and relocate the outside antenna to that location
or, for the Yagi antenna, optimize the antenna angle.
2. Increase the distance between the outside and inside antennas.
3. Be sure your signal booster’s dB gain is turned up to maximum gain on each dial.
Installing Your Hardware
As you can see from the table above, acquiring the recommended indoor and outdoor antenna separation optimizes coverage significantly. Any
reduced antenna separation reduces the booster’s cellular signal capabilities.
WARNING: Do not attenuate the uplink and downlink dB settings below 35dB. This could cause the
affected frequency band to shut down.
Step 5. Configure Gain Settings
The SureCall gain dials should always be at maximum level unless the control light in a specific
band is flashing red or flashing red-yellow. In either of these
cases, the first action should be to increase the antenna
isolation between the inside and outside antenna as much
as possible and restart the booster. If the situation contin-
ues, you can lower the gain with an attenuator or, as the
last resort, reduce the booster gain by 5dB at a time until
the control light in the frequency band flashes yellow.
1. Find the PCS, Cellular, LTE-A, LTE-V and AWS dials on
top of the signal booster.
2. Set the dials according to the coverage area and the
distance between the indoor and outdoor antennas (see
If Coverage Area is …
And Antenna Separation is…
Set all Dials to…
1500 - 2,000 square feet
40-60 feet
Maximum Power
1,000 - 1,500 square feet
30-40 feet
55 or 60
1,000 square feet and below
20-30 feet
45 or 50
SureCall | 48346 Milmont Drive, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | [email protected]